Leighton Style

Börjar igen när jag kommer hem.
Jenny och Chuck

Kommer igåg att jag hatade Chuck i början, då har försökte ha sex med Jenny
på taket. Bilden är från det avsnittet. Men sedan han fick ihop det med Blair
älskar jag honom!
Sista avsnittet på säson 2 är nu slut och det slutar lyckligt! :) GG börjar sända säson
3 i USA igen i höst.
GG 1.05 quotes "Dare Devil"
Dan Humphrey: If it's a real Dan Humphrey date you want, it's a real Dan Humphrey date you're gonna get
Blair Waldorf: Fashion knows not of comfort
Jenny Humphrey: So Eric's here, now it's your turn. Truth or dare?
Blair Waldorf: You have to ask?
Jenny Humphrey: I dare you to make out with that guy.
Blair Waldorf: Easy.
Jenny Humphrey: And mean it.
Blair Waldorf: Watch and learn little Humphrey.
[walks over to kiss the stockbroker guy]
Blair Waldorf: [the friend of the guy says he hopes Amanda doesn't find out]
Blair Waldorf: Who's Amanda?
Club Stockbroker: Just my girlfriend.
Blair Waldorf: Amanda never has to know does she.
Club Stockbroker: I'm not tellin' her!
[laughs with his friends]
Blair Waldorf: Look what I got.
[stole stockbroker's phone]
Blair Waldorf: I dare you to call his girlfriend, her name's Amanda.
Jenny Humphrey: Done and done.
[calls Amanda]
Jenny Humphrey: Hello? Amanda, hi this is Bl... Claire. Yeah, I just had my tongue down your boyfriend's throat and he neglected to tell me you existed until after it was over. Just thought you should know. He's a real catch! Bye.
[the girls laugh]
Blair Waldorf: Alright, sleepover of the year!
GG 1.04 quotes
Blair Waldorf: Why am I mad? You mean why aren't I furious! I can't believe for one second I thought it would be different this time.
Serena van der Woodsen: You thought what would be different?
Blair Waldorf: You couldn't deal with the spotlight shining on me for once could you?
Serena van der Woodsen: What are you talking about? I was told we were doing this together. What did you not get my message?
Blair Waldorf: What about this morning then? When you glanced at the call sheet, did you see my name on it. When I wasn't in hair and makeup didn't that seem strange? When the dressing room only had your name on the door, what did you think they just forgot?
Serena van der Woodsen: I was told you were running late and they asked me to do some tests shots first. Blair they told me you wanted me here.
Blair Waldorf: And you believe them?
Serena van der Woodsen: Look Blair I encouraged you to do this. Why would I try to steal something from you that I pushed you to do?
Blair Waldorf: Because you take everything from me! Nate, my mom!
Serena van der Woodsen: Blair!
Blair Waldorf: You can't even help it, it's who you are. I just thought maybe this time it would be different. I should've known I'd be wrong.
Chuck Bass: As much as I love hearing about not needing material things from a guy with *that* much product in his hair, this party is about excess.
Chuck Bass: Are you high? He looks like Matthew McConaughey between movies.
Blair Waldorf: Oh God, forgot what it was like to be with you.
[Serena and Blair pass two guys looking at them]
Serena van der Woodsen: No they were looking at both of us.
Blair Waldorf: Don't insult me. It's been like this all morning starting with your lovely visit with my mother. She didn't even call me to tell me I was coming home.
Serena van der Woodsen: Well she was busy, she was rushing to get home and everything, because she wanted to see you.
Blair Waldorf: She didn't even wake me up.
Serena van der Woodsen: Well you know how Eleanor feels about beauty rest.
Blair Waldorf: She likes you more than me.
Serena van der Woodsen: She does not you're her daughter. She doesn't like anyone more than you she just, I dunno doesn't know how to show it sometimes.
Blair Waldorf: Okay, I'm going inside. Wait for me I'll be right back.
Nate Archibald: You didn't have to do that man!
Chuck Bass: Nobody wanted him here. He's an older brother bringing everyone down.
Nate Archibald: Let's just play some ball.
Blair Waldorf: Did you choose Serena over me? You could've picked a stranger; you didn't have to choose my best friend. What, you think I wouldn't have found out?
Eleanor Waldorf: I was going to tell you tonight at dinner. There was no right decision. There wasn't any time. I know you can understand all this. It was mishandled, the whole thing from top to bottom.
Blair Waldorf: You actually want me to agree with you.
Eleanor Waldorf: Bendel's will legitimize this company. It will take everything to the next level, you know how hard I have worked for that. You've always been my biggest supporter, my biggest fan.
Blair Waldorf: I'm your daughter.
Eleanor Waldorf: And as my daughter, I knew that you would forgive me, in time, but if my company had lost this deal because of you, I'd never forgive myself.
Blair Waldorf: I hope you never do.
Serena van der Woodsen: So, you were right.
Blair Waldorf: I know.
Serena van der Woodsen: When I got that call I should've known you had nothing to do with it and I should never had pushed you to do this whole thing in the first place.
Blair Waldorf: Actually I'm glad you pushed me. It ended up being a very important day for me. I just thought it was gonna be more fun.
Serena van der Woodsen: I know me too.
[the girls hug]
Serena van der Woodsen: Hey you know what, who says it still can't be? Come on, come on!
[the girls run off and steal Blair's mom's clothes]
Dan Humphrey: I don't know about Serena, Dad. I can't tell if she's worth it.
Rufus Humphrey: What do you mean?
Dan Humphrey: Well, uh, she's best friends with this girl, Blair Waldorf, who is basically everything I hate about the Upper East Side distilled into one 95-pound, doe-eyed, bonmot-tossing, label-whoring package of girly evil.
Rufus Humphrey: [chuckling] No one's that bad.
Dan Humphrey: She is. I would barely be exaggerating if I told you Medusa wants her withering glare back.
Blair Waldorf: Serena sent you here to talk to me?
Dan Humphrey: No believe it or not I actually came here myself.
Blair Waldorf: Normally I wouldn't be this close to you without a tetanus shot.
Leighton Style

Snygga Chace

GG gänget

Leighton Style

I'm Chuck Bass
Oh My Fucking God

Gammal GG reklam
Leighton och Ed

Nate, Blair, Chuck, Dan

Chuck är full på hans pappas begravning.
Men sorligt avsnitt! i slutet då Chuck lämnar Blair i hennes rum
när hon sover :(
GG 1.03 guotes
Blair Waldorf: It's a letter. I wrote it while you where in boarding school. I never sent it.
[reads from letter]
Blair Waldorf: Dear Serena. My world is falling apart. My father left my mother for a thirty-one year old model. A *male* model. I feel like screaming because I have no one to talk to. You're gone. My dad is gone. Nate's acting weird.
Blair Waldorf: Where are you? Why won't you call? Why did you leave without saying goodbye? You're supposed to be my best friend. I miss you so much. Love Blair.
[just after Blair read Serena her letter]
Serena van der Woodsen: Why didn't you send it? I would've...
Blair Waldorf: You would've what? You knew Serena and you didn't even call.
Serena van der Woodsen: I didn't know what to say to you or even how to be your friend after what I did. I'm so sorry.
Blair Waldorf: [to Serena when she is late to school] Aww, too bad you missed the assembly. Not that it matters. Brown doesn't offer degrees in slut.
Dan Humphrey: You're not helping.
Jenny Humphrey: Not trying to help.
Jenny Humphrey: We're Humphreys' Dad. Not exactly royalty uptown.
Rufus Humphrey: You okay with that?
Jenny Humphrey: No, but I'm used to it.
Chuck Bass: Because I'm Chuck Bass.
Serena van der Woodsen: Blair, what the hell was that?
Blair Waldorf: Will you excuse us please.
Serena van der Woodsen: So we good now, we square?
Blair Waldorf: No. Because nothing I do will ever be as bad as what you did to me.
Serena van der Woodsen: Look I'm asking you please, I'll stop if you will.
Blair Waldorf: Your just saying that because today you lost and your gonna keep losing. Now if you'll excuse me unlike you I have a future to get back to.
Gossip Girl: [voice-over] Looks like World War 3 has just broken out and it's wearing knee socks. Choose your side or run and hide.
Gossip Girl: [voice-over] Spotted: S not so fashionably late and dressed down by B. Game on ladies.
Serena van der Woodsen: [the girls are playing field hockey] Look I made a mistake with Nate okay but then you sabotage me with Dan. We don't have to be friends...
[Blair hits Serena's foot with her stick]
Serena van der Woodsen: Ughhh!
Field Hockey Coach: What's up Waldorf?
Blair Waldorf: Sorry slipped.
Serena van der Woodsen: I'm fine.
[the game continues]
Serena van der Woodsen: I really wanna belive that was an accident.
Blair Waldorf: Then you must be delusional.
[for the second time Blair comes up and shoves Serena hard]
Blair Waldorf: [the coach gives her a flag]
Serena van der Woodsen: Thank you.
[now for the third time Blair comes up and knocks Serena to ground]
Field Hockey Coach: I'm running of colors here Blair.
Serena van der Woodsen: And I'm running out of patience. Enough okay?
Blair Waldorf: It's enough when I say it's enough.
[the game continues on again and this time Serena comes up and tackles Blair to the ground]
Blair Waldorf: Ohhh! Get off!
Field Hockey Coach: Girls break it up!
Blair Waldorf: Get off of me!
Serena van der Woodsen: Is that enough yet?
Serena van der Woodsen: So we've actually come to physical blows huh? Truce?
Blair Waldorf: Owww! My leg!
Field Hockey Coach: Serena you're out of here!
Serena van der Woodsen: I hope it's broken.
Blair Waldorf: Owww!
Min favorit :)
Blair Waldorf: What is she doing there?
Chuck Bass: Well what's anyone doing there. It's a facility for the disturbed or addicted.
Blair Waldorf: You must have your own wing.
Chuck Bass: You don't get nearly enough credit for your wit.
Chuck Bass: So the question is, what do you do now?
Blair Waldorf: I was thinking total social destruction.
Chuck Bass: And here I thought you were getting soft.
Chuck Bass: So this is your bed huh?
Blair Waldorf: Leaving now.
Chuck Bass: You can repay me another time.
Leighton intervju om hennes kommande album
EW recently caught up with Gossip Girl star Leighton Meester in the recording studio, where she's working on her still-unnamed debut album, due this fall (her first single is slated for July). The actress, who's best known for her bitchy-one liners as Blair Waldorf, says the album will have an electro-pop sound, and she's working with producers like Kenna (Lupe Fiasco, JoJo) and Polow da Don (The Pussycat Dolls, Fergie). "It's very pop," she says. "You can listen to it on the radio. You can listen to it in your car. You can dance to it."
The 23-year-old actress actually began recording her music without a major-label deal. Some of her early tracks, like a cover of "Bette Davis Eyes," leaked onto the web, but Meester isn't sure if they'll make the album. "I'm still figuring it out," she says. "I loved the song and I loved the feel of it. That's what the feel of the rest of the album is gonna be." One thing's for certain: it will reveal some intimate details of Meester's love life. "I've been through a lot as far as love," she says. "When I'm singing a song, I picture somebody in particular. A lot of it is to a guy." Which guy? Nice try: Meester won't spill (the actress had reportedly been dating her GG co-star Sebastian Stan).
It turns out Meester has loved music from a very young age. "I remember I was in the grocery store with my mom when I was little and I heard ‘I Will Always Love You,' " she says. "I must have been 3 or 4, and I went, ‘Mom, that made my back tingle.' She was like, "That's what music is supposed to do.' I loved it."
Meester, who will also spend her summer hiatus shooting the Single White Female-esque thriller The Roommate, has been inspired by some musical giants. "I really love Madonna, Cyndi Lauper, and Debbie Harry," says the actress. "Gwen Stefani and Fergie, too. They're very strong women and have a completely unique sound." Meester also says she's been grooving to Ladyhawke and Australian band Empire of the Sun. "I was in Paris and I listened to [their single 'Walking on a Dream'] like 40 times a day. I love them." Cobra Starship is another band that Meester enjoys, and she actually recorded a song, co-written by American Idol judge Kara DioGuardi, with the rockers (they're also shooting a video together). One other person she really wants to work with? Her GG co-star Ed Westwick. "I would love that. I've thought about it a lot, so we'll see. He's very talented."

Leighton lämnar Star Trek med Sebastian, 30 april

haha, kolla sebastian blick!

Sebastian är faktiskt riktigt het! Har jag upptäckt nu :)
Leighton och Sebastian
Ed Westwick i ansiktet :P haha. De har vart ihop i cirka 1,5 år nu :)

snygg, snyggare, Leighton
Leighton och Jessica Szohr
vänskapen i bilder :) (Jessica spelar Vanessa i GG)
YSL och ny säsong av GG event
på gatorna i NY
på ett event för promoting GG
DVF fashion show.
med okänd blondin.