Leighton intervju om hennes kommande album
EW recently caught up with Gossip Girl star Leighton Meester in the recording studio, where she's working on her still-unnamed debut album, due this fall (her first single is slated for July). The actress, who's best known for her bitchy-one liners as Blair Waldorf, says the album will have an electro-pop sound, and she's working with producers like Kenna (Lupe Fiasco, JoJo) and Polow da Don (The Pussycat Dolls, Fergie). "It's very pop," she says. "You can listen to it on the radio. You can listen to it in your car. You can dance to it."
The 23-year-old actress actually began recording her music without a major-label deal. Some of her early tracks, like a cover of "Bette Davis Eyes," leaked onto the web, but Meester isn't sure if they'll make the album. "I'm still figuring it out," she says. "I loved the song and I loved the feel of it. That's what the feel of the rest of the album is gonna be." One thing's for certain: it will reveal some intimate details of Meester's love life. "I've been through a lot as far as love," she says. "When I'm singing a song, I picture somebody in particular. A lot of it is to a guy." Which guy? Nice try: Meester won't spill (the actress had reportedly been dating her GG co-star Sebastian Stan).
It turns out Meester has loved music from a very young age. "I remember I was in the grocery store with my mom when I was little and I heard ‘I Will Always Love You,' " she says. "I must have been 3 or 4, and I went, ‘Mom, that made my back tingle.' She was like, "That's what music is supposed to do.' I loved it."
Meester, who will also spend her summer hiatus shooting the Single White Female-esque thriller The Roommate, has been inspired by some musical giants. "I really love Madonna, Cyndi Lauper, and Debbie Harry," says the actress. "Gwen Stefani and Fergie, too. They're very strong women and have a completely unique sound." Meester also says she's been grooving to Ladyhawke and Australian band Empire of the Sun. "I was in Paris and I listened to [their single 'Walking on a Dream'] like 40 times a day. I love them." Cobra Starship is another band that Meester enjoys, and she actually recorded a song, co-written by American Idol judge Kara DioGuardi, with the rockers (they're also shooting a video together). One other person she really wants to work with? Her GG co-star Ed Westwick. "I would love that. I've thought about it a lot, so we'll see. He's very talented."

Leighton lämnar Star Trek med Sebastian, 30 april

haha, kolla sebastian blick!

Sebastian är faktiskt riktigt het! Har jag upptäckt nu :)
Leighton och Sebastian
Ed Westwick i ansiktet :P haha. De har vart ihop i cirka 1,5 år nu :)

snygg, snyggare, Leighton
Leighton och Jessica Szohr
vänskapen i bilder :) (Jessica spelar Vanessa i GG)
YSL och ny säsong av GG event
på gatorna i NY
på ett event för promoting GG
DVF fashion show.
med okänd blondin.
Leighton och Ed på inspelningen av GG
Dessutom är jag ett Blair/Chuck fan :)

Vackra Leighton
Jag älskar verkligen Leightons ansikte! Hon har felfri hy, stora bruna ögon
och hennes hår ser alltid bra ut, LoveLoveLove
Kolla in bilderna :)
Leighton hos Ellen DeGeners Show, 24 april
Nyhet om Leightons album
album någon gång i höst. Ska bli spännande att se hur det kommer att låta :)

Lite radom fakta om Leighton
- Är 1,65 m lång.
- Tillsammans med Sebastian Stan sedan november 2008.
- Har en äldre bror, Douglas, och en yngre bror, Lex.
- Naturligt blond, men färgade håret inför rollen som Blair.
- Spelar in ett album just nu med olika covers som ska komma ut någon gång under året. Här är första singeln som jag tycker är väldigt bra :)
- Fyllde precis 23 år.
- Hennes stil är preppy med en touch av rock'N'roll.
- Hennes debut var i serien Law&Order när hon bara var 13 år.
- Har jobbat som model i NY.
- Leightons "hometown" är Marco Island i Florida.
Leighton 23 år!!

Rösta på Blairs bästa outfit på kanal 5
*Spoiler* sista avsnitten på säson 2
Läs inte om du vill att de ska vara en överaskning!
‘Gossip Girl'
Serena falls for Gabriel Serrano (Armie Hammer), the heir of a tobacco company, whose bad boy ways land her in jail. Sparks fly when Georgina (Michelle Trachtenberg) returns, but she's nothing like she was a year ago. Blair kisses both Nate and Chuck, Rufus buys an engagement ring and Jenny winds up in a ‘Mean Girls'-style storyline. So, basically, it's business as usual on the Upper East Side.
*Spoiler* från 2x20
Leighton och Emily Rossum

Emilt fyllde 22 år, Leighton och hennes pojkvän Sebastian Stan i bakgrunden.
På modevisning.

På Leightons film premiär Remember the Daze.

Ett event.

Tillsammans på ett annat event.

Och ännu ett.
*Spolier* i GG
"I want to believe you, Chuck, but I can't. You've hurt me too many times"Chuck
"You can believe me this time."Blair
"Why?"He looks at her: human, real, vulnerable.
"Because I'm not Chuck Bass without you."Blair
"Uh... That's it?"There is a moment, then... he kisses her.
"I love you, Blair."
Leighton på Sony event

Leighton och Zac i film tillsammans?
Hoppas att det är sant :) skulle vara ett sött par på duken
zoom in

älskar ringen, super snygg :)

slarvigt med snyggt