Leighton hos Tyra 2 okt, 2008
En bild från Rolling Stone, 2008
Tycker hon är så snygg på den här bilden, sexig men ändå söt :)

Leightons första konsert
"I think like when I was like 12, I probably went to a concert that was like one of those boy bands that is now forgotten. But the one that I really loved and remembered was either Incubus or No Doubt when I was still in California."
Leighton är en av de 50 sexigaste 2008
BuddyTV ger ut en lista på sexigaste kvinnorna 2008 och i år var Leighton på 24 plats.
Här är förklarar de varför :)
Blondes may have more fun, but on Gossip Girl, it's the brunette who has all the fun. Meester is absolutely enticing as the manipulative Blair Waldorf, and though she only has eyes for Chuck Bass, we'd be all too willing to let her use us as her sexual plaything in one of her devious schemes. Even though she's only 22, she has been in many TV shows like Surface, Entourage, CSI: Miami, 24 just to name a few. Meester is definitely going to be on the rise in 2009.

Här är förklarar de varför :)
Blondes may have more fun, but on Gossip Girl, it's the brunette who has all the fun. Meester is absolutely enticing as the manipulative Blair Waldorf, and though she only has eyes for Chuck Bass, we'd be all too willing to let her use us as her sexual plaything in one of her devious schemes. Even though she's only 22, she has been in many TV shows like Surface, Entourage, CSI: Miami, 24 just to name a few. Meester is definitely going to be on the rise in 2009.

Leighton i Company
Söt bilden på Ed och Leighton
Leighton Style

Nina Ricci klänning och Louboutin skor.
Leighton Style 2003
Då Leighton var 17 år och hade en hemsk klädstil, usch! Blond var hon oxå :P Hon passar bättre som brunett :)
Känner igen han, spelar i tv serien Lost. men vet inte vad han heter :P